
The Home of  American Alumni of Italian Medical Schools, Veterinary Schools, Liceo Scientifico, Italo-American Medical Education Foundation, and the Universita’ Per Stranieri di Perugia.


This website is my attempt to reunite many old friends, roommates, classmates and study partners who shared special times together as students in the beautiful cities of Italy during the 1960′s, 1970′s and 1980′s. Whether you came over with the Italo-American Medical Education Foundation, or you did it on your own, you had your heart set on entering the world of Medicine. Language courses, Liceo Scientifico, Medical School, Veterinary School, we all started somewhere. We were a long way from our family and friends at home and often the challenges set before us seemed insurmountable.  Through hardwork, diligence and the support of new  friends, many  realized  that  dream. Many stayed for the duration of the program, others  may  have  transfered to study elsewhere, and some people chose to persue another career. You were all there for some period of time and that is what is important.


It is my hope that this website will help everyone relive the good times we shared. We share a common bond and that is cherished memories of the good times, the great meals, real cappuccinos, pastries, gelato,  fine wines, Peroni  beer,  Standa and Upim, the rides into the countryside, historic palazzos, and most of all the fantastic people of Italy who welcomed us into their country.


We had an opportunity to learn a new language, experience another way of life, and embrace another culture. Many of us also made life long friends along the way. I am sure that you will agree that though we have all met many people during the course of our lives since those days, something magical happens when you come back into contact with a friend from that era.


It is my hope that for however long or short a time you spent in Italy, that you came away from this experience with something positive that you will never forget.


Please enjoy visiting this website. As I learn how to use it, I will be adding new features that I think you will find interesting. humorous, and  memorable. There will be new information added regularly so come back often.
